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Can you see the future with the addition of smart locks for indoor screens?

Let's take a look at a set of data. According to the latest relevant data from Runto Technology, as of September this year, the online market share of cat's eye large screen locks has increased from 15% in January 2022 to 30.1%. During this year's Double 11, the penetration rate of smart locks with indoor large screens was 40.4%, an increase of 15 percentage points from the first three quarters. In addition, numerous data shows that smart locks with large screens are very popular in the market.

With the application of smart cat eyes on smart locks, two ways to view the outside of the door through the cat eyes have gradually emerged. One is on mobile phones and other mobile devices, and the other is indoor screens.

It can be seen that the combination of indoor screens and smart cat eyes perfectly replaces traditional cat eyes, and the advantages of this combination are more obvious in situations where the eyes are limited, such as in the dark and strong light. Some people may still have questions, but isn't it the same to check through your phone? This reason is also easy to explain. Firstly, for special groups such as the elderly, the cost of using a mobile phone is relatively high. Secondly, based on the editor's real experience, when there is someone outside the door at home, it is mostly viewed through the indoor screen, because after confirmation, the door can be opened directly, and most mobile phone views are used when not at home.

The editor believes that the gradual configuration of indoor screens with smart locks is based on user needs and is necessary. At the same time, the market has also provided real feedback, which is a must-have. However, a contradictory phenomenon has gradually emerged on the smart lock indoor screen, which is high price and low practicality.

The editor selected several well-known brands of smart locks from e-commerce and found that for the same series of products, with and without indoor screens, the price difference is basically over 300. Some brands even have a price difference of over 600.

Compared to the high price difference, the low practicality is something that lock enthusiasts can feel. In recent years, the development of smart lock room screens has been based on upgrades to existing configurations, such as larger and clearer screens, with few innovative features emerging. According to the information learned by the editor, there are currently very few manufacturers in the industry who have made different gameplay on indoor screens, such as making phone calls, quick replies, and so on.

A larger and clearer screen may provide users with a certain good experience, but when considering the high price difference and low practicality together, the chicken ribs of indoor screens are very obvious, making it easy to discourage customers. Even if there is no significant innovation for a long time, indoor screens will be replaced by better products, such as TVs and speakers under smart home manufacturers, which can also serve as smart locks for indoor screens.

We can understand that manufacturers earn product premiums by increasing indoor screens, but at the same time, considering practicality is also important. Only with such products can users feel that they are worth the money. Otherwise, when manufacturers lose their innovation drive, it is also when they lose their chance to survive.

*Originally from Intelligent Door Lock Research Pro, if involved in copyright issues, please contact us for prompt deletion.