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How to match the cabinet handle to make the design more beautiful?

Solemn and elegant, craftsman's heart: how to match the cabinet handle to make the design more beautiful?

Solemn and elegant, craftsman's heart: cabinet handle


The quality of life is rising, and people's aesthetics is also rising. In the past, people's decoration of houses was simple, convenient and cost-effective. Now most people think that houses should be decorated pleasing to the eye. Because of this, there are more decoration styles. The most common are simple style, European style, and the more common are pastoral style and Chinese style. Those who pay attention to this aspect will find that, What I said is just a little fur, as well as American style, Mediterranean style, Southeast Asian style and so on.

Arc handle


The arc handle is very suitable for the white cabinet. The white cabinet will give people a sense of holiness. Maybe because of this, it reveals a monotony, but with the arc handle, it is different. It instantly improves the feel of the whole cabinet. The arc handle is a good choice for the plain cabinet.


Round handle



For the rooms with bright colors and changeable styles, the round handle is more suitable. Its style is simple, small, and does not appear abrupt. It gives people a sense of compactness and makes the whole kitchen exquisite. In addition to the round handle, the long strip handle is also a good choice, which will make the space appear more neat and uniform.


The matching of handle is the same as that of cabinet


The handle collocation of the same cabinet should be the same. Don't like this one or that one. Just use it together. Mixing and matching may not be good-looking. It is recommended to match the antique style cabinet with the bronze handle. Now the workmanship of the bronze handle is more and more exquisite, the pattern carving is more and more exquisite, and the style selection is more and more. The handles of green bronze and red bronze are more common. There are also many people who match the golden antique handle according to the color demand of the cabinet. Gray handles can be matched on white cabinets. The color of most iron gray handles is close to black. Black and white is always a classic color. You might as well try it if you like~


Long handle with single handle


In order to make the matching of cabinets look consistent as a whole, most long handles are matched with a single handle. The long ones can be installed on the door or longer drawer, and the single ones can be installed on the door of small drawer or hanging cabinet. If necessary, the supporting handle can be selected for installation. It should be noted here that the common opening sizes of the long handle are 64, 96 and 128. These three sizes are the most common, and the rare sizes are 32, 160 and 192. It is recommended to tell the master to open the common size when opening the hole. In this way, there is more room for the selection of the handle.




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Decoration is a regrettable art. It can't cover all aspects. Only when there is a mistake can there be a right. Design should pay attention to rationality and balance. It will not be perfect everywhere.